Peacocks are confident but never arrogant, and are symbols of respect, rejuvenation, honour, integrity, royalty, passion, beauty, protection, and holiness. Also ability to see into the past, present, and future, immortality, dignity, rising out of ashes, self-confidence, watchfulness, immortality.
Spirit animals are life guides that point us in the right direction while teaching us lessons. Totem animals are also spirit guides, but are called upon when we need them most. Both spirit and totem animals protect and guard, and help us find our higher purpose.
The peacock teaches the lesson that you must learn from your past, and sees obstacles as an opportunity to create a brighter future.
Peacock reminds you to make your voice heard, even if others criticize you.
The beautiful colors on a Peacock’s plumage are symbolic of the full spectrum of colors in the rainbow and each of their associations. Meditating on one Chakra and balance it, bring it into alignment with all the others. Peacock can be a reminder of the harmony between all these Chakras and their associated energies.
Peacock can be symbolic of our connection to the Divine, especially the Deities associated with the Sky and Sun.
The Peacock & The Phoenix
Historically, some traditions equate the peacock spirit animal to the Phoenix, a mythical bird that is said to have risen from funeral pyre ash and to be reborn. Why the comparison? Like the Phoenix, the peacock exudes confidence and offers encouragement to shed the old to make way for the new. Another reason is that the peacock of all birds most closely resembles the phoenix in appearance.
Peacock Symbolic Meanings Key
Compassion / Earthly Phoenix / Eyes / Fortitude / Good Fortune / Materialism / Pride / Psychic Sense / Resurrection / Supportiveness